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Volunteer Now Awards


Eight St Mary’s Students Win Award for 200 Hours of Voluntary Service


Nicol McArdle (Liberal Arts with Religious Studies) displaying her 200-hour award.


Nicol McArdle (Liberal Arts with Religious Studies) displaying her 200-hour award.


Volunteering efforts across the north of Ireland were recently recognised at an event hosted by Volunteer Now in The Waterfront Hall, Belfast. The event was held as part of the Millennium Volunteers programme, a national programme for young people aged between 14 and 25 years. The speakers included Mervyn Storey (Minister for Social Development), Marie Hendron (Deputy Mayor of Belfast) and Michelle McIlveen (MLA).

As part of this programme, after their first 50, 100 and 200 hours of service, volunteers are presented with a certificate backed by the Department of Education. Receiving the 200-hour award were St Mary’s Liberal Arts students Nathan Hanley, Catherine Dunleavey, Kevin Morgan, Grainne Coyle, Deborah Magee, Damien Tumilty, Nicol McArdle and Clare Murray. Several of these students earned a significant number of their hours by serving as volunteer peer tutors in writing at the St Mary’s University College Writing Centre.

Damien Tumilty commented: “We are so happy we went as it was a great chance to meet and chat with volunteers from other organisations and listen to their inspirational stories. Everyone in attendance was so inspirational and humble when telling their stories to the audience!”



From Left to Right: Nathan Hanley, Kevin Morgan, Grainne Coyle, Catherine Dunleavey, Damien Tumilty