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Michaela Camp


Michaela Camp 2015


At the start of the summer, St Mary's University College opened its doors to welcome back the Michaela Foundation Girls' Summer Camp for Co. Antrim. A thirty-strong team of voluntary leaders delivered a week of fun activities to a group of over eighty "campettes".

The Michaela Foundation Girls' Summer Camp is unlike any other: it gives young girls aged eleven to thirteen the opportunity to develop their confidence and self-esteem while participating in activities across five elements: fun, faith, fashion, wellbeing and fáilte.


Michaela Camp 2015

St Mary's is proud to support the Camp and its ethos.

Úna Kelly, Director of the Michaela Foundation, said, "The Antrim Camp was one of fifteen camps to take place this summer. The phenomenal growth of these camps throughout Ireland is a testament both to the commitment of the Michaela Foundation's voluntary leaders and to community support. The Michaela Foundation is most grateful to St Mary's University College for hosting the Camp."


Michaela Camp 2015


On behalf of Michaela Foundation, John McAreavey added, "Having a host location like St Mary's University College, with which we share many values, enables us to provide an excellent setting for campettes to enjoy and express themselves".


Below is a video showing some of the highlights of the camp and also available is a gallery of photos from the week.