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Winter Graduation



Graduates of the Master of Education Programme with their tutors at Queen’s University on Thursday, 10 December 2015.

Eighteen students on the Masters Programme attended the Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees, the Chancellor of the University, Dr Thomas J Moran, presiding.

They were joined by two students who graduated from the Liberal Arts programme.

This graduation was the first in which the Masters Programme had graduates in Irish and Irish-medium Education. Irish-medium tutors Dr Gabrielle NigUidhir, Mrs Donna Hazzard, Dr Seán MacCorraidh and Dr Eibhlín MhicAoidh joined the academic procession.



Irish-medium tutors Dr Gabrielle NigUidhir, Dr Seán MacCorraidh and Dr Eibhlin MhicAoidh


The strong education theme of the ceremony was enhanced by an excellent graduation speech by Mrs Marion Matchett CBE, a member of the Senate and the former Chief Inspector of the Education and Training Inspectorate.



Mrs Marion Matchett CBE, a member of the Senate and the former Chief Inspector of the Education and Training Inspectorate