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Dr McKenna Cup - St Mary's victory over Donegal
Dr McKenna Cup - St Mary's victory over Donegal Dr McKenna Cup - St Mary's victory over Donegal
Dr McKenna Cup - St Mary's victory over Donegal


St Mary’s earned a thoroughly deserved victory over Donegal in the Dr McKenna cup second-round game at O’Donnell Park, Letterkenny.

Manager Paddy Tally masterminded a defensive strategy which curtailed the performance of opponents such as Michael Murphy, Neil McGee and Stepen McBrearty. The College forwards then delivered with scores in front of the goalposts when the opportunities came their way, especially Ryan Johnston, who hit 1-2 from the bench.

“Hopefully we can build on this for the next win”, said Johnston, signalling a very confident Ranch team going into the Sigerson Cup competition against the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) on 27 January.

The St Mary’s team has limited resources and yet can compete with the best when the strategy is right for the circumstances, and the conviction to be successful exists in both players and management.