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St Mary's Carol Service special guest, Irish classical soprano, Margaret Keys

Irish classical soprano, Margaret Keys, was a special guest at the annual St Mary’s University College Carol Service held on 16 December 2015. Margaret is an alumna of St Mary’s, having obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Education with Music at the Belfast college before attending the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow. She has performed recently in the Royal Albert Hall at “Christmas with the Stars” and was one of the selected artists, along with Aretha Franklin and Andrea Bocelli, to perform at the Papal Mass concert for Pope Francis in Philadelphia during his visit to the USA in September 2015. At the St Mary’s Carol Service, which was directed by Mrs Orla Nugent from the College’s Music Department, Margaret sang “O Holy Night”.


Principal of St Mary’s University College, Professor Peter Finn; Margaret Keys; and the Most Reverend Dr Noel Treanor, Bishop of Down and Connor.


Principal of St Mary’s University College, Professor Peter Finn; Margaret Keys;
and the Most Reverend Dr Noel Treanor, Bishop of Down and Connor.


With a large gathering of staff, students and friends of St Mary’s on campus at the time, the College took the opportunity at the Carol Service to celebrate some of the achievements of those who had graduated in July 2015. Awards were presented by representatives of the Irish National Teachers Organisation (INTO), the General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (GTCNI) and the Students’ Union at St Mary’s.



John Cull Award - winner Terri Dorrity presented by Mark Murtagh. Vere Foster Medal - winner Ryan Doherty (represented by Sean McCullagh) presented by Mark McTaggart

The John Cull Award sponsored by INTO

Terri Dorrity, who is currently teaching in St Anthony’s Nursery School in Crossgar, was presented with the award by Mark Murtagh.

The Vere Foster Medal sponsored by INTO

Awarded to Ryan Doherty, who is currently teaching in St Brigid’s Primary School in Lavey, (represented by Sean McCullagh) and presented by Mark McTaggart.

Capstone Award - winner Aidan Forker presented by Bridgeen Campbell GTCNI Star Award to high-achieving BEd Primary graduate - winner Michaela Mulholland presented by Gerry Devlin

Capstone Award sponsored by the Students’ Union

Awarded to Aidan Forker by Bridgeen Campbell.

GTCNI Star Award to high-achieving BEd Primary graduate

Awarded to Michaela Mulholland who is currently teaching in St Michael’s Primary School on the Ravenhill Road, Belfast and presented by Gerry Devlin.

GTCNI Star Award to high-achieving BEd Post-primary graduate - winner Clare Kearney presented by Gerry Quinn Dympna Taggart Award - winner Rebecca Ramsay (represented by her mother Martina) presented by Professor Peter Finn

GTCNI Star Award to high-achieving
BEd Post-primary graduate

Awarded to Clare Kearney, who is currently teaching in St Dominic’s Grammar School for Girls, and presented by Gerry Devlin.

Dympna Taggart Award

Awarded to Rebecca Ramsay (who is presently teaching in Qatar) represented by her mother Martina and presented by Professor Peter Finn.