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Catholic Schools Logo World Meeting of Families Logo

From 21-26 August 2018, families from all over the world will gather in Dublin to celebrate the World Meeting of Families (www.worldmeeting2018.ie). These families will reflect on their lives together, to share their experiences from different parts of the world, to reflect on the different challenges they face and to grow together in faith. This event also presents a special opportunity to celebrate not only the vital role that Catholic schools play within our Church and wider community but also to celebrate the family lives of the children and young people within our schools.

Closing Date: Monday 18th December 2017

PRIZES (per category)

Winner £125 Runner-Up £75

Art Competition (Nursery/Key Stage 1)

The theme for this art competition is ‘My Family’. Create your own piece of art inspired by the theme of ‘My Family’ and what your family means to you.  

Poetry Competition (Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4, Post-16)

The theme for this poetry competition is ‘My Family’. Compose your own original poem (25 lines max.) inspired by the theme and what your family means to you. Your poem can be in any form – acrostic, shape, rhyming or free verse.  

Prizes and Award Ceremony

Everyone who enters will receive a certificate. Prizewinners will be notified by 10th January 2018. Prizes will be awarded and submitted art and poems will be displayed at a Diocesan Celebration to mark Catholic Schools Week on Monday 29th January 2018 in St Mary’s University College, Belfast.

Yours sincerely,

Fr Edward McGee
Director of Down and Connor Catholic Schools’ Support Service


Please use the link below to download an application form:

Art and Poetry Competition Application Form