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Diversity Fair



Students at the joint St Mary's and Stranmillis programme: Professional Learning in a Changing Society (PLiCS)


Professional Learning in a Changing Society (PLiCS)


Wednesday, 21 November, saw the running of the first BEd 2 Diversity Fair as part of the new St Mary’s and Stranmillis University Colleges’ joint programme: Professional Learning in a Changing Society (PLiCS). The fair was held at St Mary’s and was attended by students from both colleges. Prior to the event, the students worked together to prepare an impressive range of posters focusing on issues of diversity and inclusion. These posters were displayed in the entrance foyer to the St Mary’s College Hall and provided a valuable and thought-provoking start to the day.

The College principal, Professor Peter Finn, officially opened the proceedings by welcoming all present and highlighting the warm and collegial atmosphere which was apparent as students from both colleges gathered together. The welcome was followed by a range of excellent musical performances provided by the choirs of St Paul’s and Botanic primary schools, St Dominic’s traditional music group and the African drumming group from Corpus Christi College. Pupils from the schools in the Crumlin Shared Education Partnership also provided a series of reflective accounts of their personal experiences of working in shared education.

A highlight of the day was provided by St Mary’s BEd 2 student Kevin Muldoon who, with outstanding musical dexterity, piped the entire assembly to the College Dining Room for refreshments.

All those participating also had the opportunity to meet and talk with a range of key stakeholders who had kindly offered to participate in the fair. These included The Community Relations Council, the Education Authority’s Shared Education Signature Project, the Full Service Community Network, the Rainbow Project, Community Relations in Schools (CRIS) and International House.


St Paul’s Primary School Choir


St Paul’s Primary School Choir


St Dominic’s traditional music group


St Dominic’s traditional music group


Botanic Primary School Choir


Botanic Primary School Choir


African Drumming Group from Corpus Christi College


African Drumming Group from Corpus Christi College


Pupils from Crumlin Primary School


Pupils from Crumlin Primary School


Professor Peter Finn with piper Kevin Muldoon


Professor Peter Finn with piper Kevin Muldoon


Students attending the Professional Learning in a Changing Society (PLiCS) programme


Pupils from St Joseph's Crumlin and Crumlin Integrated Primary School that attended the Professional Learning in a Changing Society (PLiCS) event


Students from St Mary's and Stranmillis who took part in the Professional Learning in a Changing Society (PLiCS) event.