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Beechmount Avenue Transformation



Pictured from left to right: Angie Mervyn (WBPB and member of St Mary's Board of Governors), Gerry McDonald (FSCN),Eve Lavery (Students' Union President), Peter Finn (College Principal), Harry Moore (DfC),Fintan Murphy (CSTS), Roisin Smylie (DfC), Ciarán Kearney (Gaelfast), Gary Murphy (Estates Manager),Deirdre Cree (Student Services Coordinator), Brian McFall (Director of Finance and Administration) and Anne Pendleton (FSCN)


Pictured from left to right:
Angie Mervyn (WBPB and member of St Mary's Board of Governors), Gerry McDonald (FSCN),
Eve Lavery (Students' Union President), Peter Finn (College Principal), Harry Moore (DfC),
Fintan Murphy (CSTS), Roisin Smylie (DfC), Ciarán Kearney (Gaelfast), Gary Murphy (Estates Manager),
Deirdre Cree (Student Services Coordinator), Brian McFall (Director of Finance and Administration) and Anne Pendleton (FSCN)


There was a reception recently at St Mary's University College to celebrate the successful conclusion of work on the College's boundary along Beechmount Avenue.

Highly significant funding from the Department for Communities (DfC) and from St Mary's itself has transformed the environment for local residents and the College community.

The most obvious work was made possible by DfC and involved replacing the old, red brick block wall along the entire length of the College's boundary with decorative, galvanised and powder-coated steel railings. Landscaping has also been provided along the entire length of the new railings, and taken together, these developments have introduced new 'light' into Beechmount Avenue.

St Mary's added to the work with a new security kiosk and barrier, gates automation, illuminated signage and improvements to pedestrian access.

Speaking at the reception, Professor Peter Finn, principal of St Mary's, paid tribute to the Department of Communities for the ambitious regeneration plans for the Beechmount area and recognised the important role played by Belfast City Councillor, Ciaran Beattie. He explained that Councillor Beattie had lobbied for the funding and acted as a liaison between the Department for Communities, the local residents and the College.

Professor Finn also paid tribute to Mr Gary Murphy, the Estates Manager at St Mary's. It was explained that Mr Murphy had once again overseen a significant enhancement to the College campus and taken responsibility for all stages, from design to delivery, of this significant project.

Professor Finn went on to say that the replacement of the red brick wall was an example of how significant capital investment can transform an area. He emphasised the collaborative nature of the development as a factor in its success, which will bring great benefits to both the College community and local residents.

The reception was attended by representatives from the Department for Communities (DfC), West Belfast Partnership Board (WBPB), Gaelfast, Catholic Schools' Trustee Services (CSTS) and Full Service Community Network (FSCN), as well as by governors, staff and students from the College.