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Translation Skills in Irish



Colm Duffin (second from left) pictured with Micheál Martin, Eibhlín MhicAoidh, Fionnuala Mhic An tSaoir and Seán Mac Corraidh


Colm Duffin (second from left) pictured with Micheál Martin, Eibhlín MhicAoidh
Fionnuala Mhic An tSaoir and Seán Mac Corraidh


Irish Medium students at St Mary’s University College attended an information session on the opportunities for work experience and employment as Irish language translators within the European Union institutions. Colm Duffin (PGCE Class of 2015), a translator in the European Parliament in Brussels, returned to the College for the occasion and spoke about his experience as a translator. The students were given copies of books published by the European Commission on translation skills in the Irish language.

D’fhreastail mic léinn Gaeilge ag Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire ar sheisiún eolais faoi na deiseanna atá ar fáil in institiúidí an Aontais Eorpaigh do thaithí oibre agus d’fhostaíocht mar aistritheoir Béarla- Gaeilge. D’fhill Colm Duffin (TICO 2015), atá ina aistritheoir i bParlaimint na hEorpa sa Bhruiséal, ar Choláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire don ocáid. Labhair sé faoin taithí atá aige ag aistriú ó Bhéarla go Gaeilge san Aontas Eorpach. Bronnadh leabhair ar na mic léinn ar an phróiseas aistriúcháin go Gaeilge atá foilsithe ag an Choimisiún Eorpach, lena n-airítear: Scríobh go Soiléir Sothuigthe; agus, Teanga in Úsáid: an t-aistriúchán agus an ateangaireacht.


Colm Duffin (PGCE Class of 2015), a translator in the European Parliament in Brussels,speaking about his experience as a translator


Irish Medium Students during the information session with Colm Duffin.