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Gaelfast Celebration



Gaelfast: investing in the future of Gaelic games in Antrim through 2019 Development Squads


Gaelfast: investing in the future of Gaelic games in Antrim through 2019 Development Squads



“Something is stirring in Antrim!” That was how Professor Peter Finn welcomed guests and participants to Gaelfast’s Celebratory Event for Antrim Development Squads. Almost four hundred participants gathered for the event in St Mary’s University College, Belfast to celebrate the end of the 2019 season for u14, u15 and u16 development squads. As Principal of St Mary’s, Professor Finn noted that the relocation of Gaelfast to the College campus marked a significant gateway in a growing partnership.

Gaelfast Director, Dr Paul Donnelly, kept business moving smoothly with a significant selection of guest speakers. Players, coaches, sponsors, teachers and parents attended. Belfast Lord Mayor, John Finucane, was among those to address the event. Drawing on his own experience of playing underage Gaelic football for Antrim, Mr Finucane remarked on the professional turnout and organisation of the young players in attendance:

“The commitment to excellence is at an unprecedented level in this county. I have no doubt tonight’s group of players will go on to achieve great success and I look forward to watching them in the newly redeveloped Casement Park stadium”.

Gaelfast Chairperson, Terry Reilly, and Club Aontroma representative, Ciaran Kearney, both addressed the gathering and endorsed the new approach being taken to Development Squads in Antrim GAA. The keynote speaker for the event was Mr Paddy Tally, Senior Lecturer in St Mary’s University College and an expert in the area of high performance sport systems. Mr Tally first came to prominence as coach with the first Tyrone Senior Gaelic Football team to win the Sam Maguire in 2003. He has coached with Kilkenny hurlers and helped mentor both Derry and Galway senior teams to National Football League Finals. Most recently, he led the St Mary’s University team in their epic campaign to win the Sigerson title in 2017 and is currently the manager of Down Senior Gaelic Football team. He told the gathering that the values and culture underpinning any group, in business or sport, are a precondition for success and that was an added advantage in what Gaelfast does.

“Here in the Ranch (St Marys), we’re the smallest college in the country. Unlike other institutions, we don’t lavish players with lots of free gear or lucrative sponsorship deals. We don’t have the student numbers other universities have. What we offer here is something different. It’s a chance to be part of something special. We feel inferior to no one. That’s what we give young players who come here to study: a chance to become better players by becoming better people.”

Special presentations were made by Antrim senior captains Declan Lynch (Gaelic football) and Conor McCann (hurling) to each of the age groups (u14, 15 & u16) for both codes. Recognising representation from post-primary schools and clubs from across the county, Paul Donnelly brought the event to a close. He paid tribute to the sponsors who support Gaelfast’s work with development squads and volunteer coaches who mentored players throughout the year. Dr Donnelly gave special thanks to the teachers who attended from schools in north and south Antrim and to all of the parents who participated in the event. He commented: “Without your special effort to support your children in playing for their county, we would not be here tonight. For as long as Gaelfast leads this area of development, I can assure you that the high standards set this year and the high quality of events like this will be sustained and improved. However, we can never become complacent. The change required to transform the fortunes of Gaelic games in Belfast and Antrim has only just begun. Gaelfast will continue to lead that agenda but we cannot and will not do it alone. We need each and every one of you here tonight to join us on this journey”


 A packed hall for the Gaelfast celebration of 2019 Development Squads


 A packed hall for the Gaelfast celebration of 2019 Development Squads


Dr Paul Donnelly (front centre) with supporters of the Gaelfast initiative


Dr Paul Donnelly (front centre) with supporters of the Gaelfast initiative


Mr Paddy Tally, Senior Lecturer in Physical Education


Mr Paddy Tally, Senior Lecturer in Physical Education


Mr Terry Reilly, Chairperson of Gaelfast


Mr Terry Reilly, Chairperson of Gaelfast