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Catholic Schools Week 2020



Catholic Schools Week 2020



Catholic Schools Week (CSW) 2020 will be celebrated all over the world from Sunday, 26 January to Sunday, 2 February on the theme Living in Harmony with God’s Creation. Catholic schools are educational communities of faith, love and service.

At St Mary’s University College, we believe Catholic schools make an outstanding contribution to the lives of millions of people worldwide. They are part of the Church’s mission to promote both social justice and the common good.

CSW will be celebrated and promoted at St Mary’s. We are indebted particularly to Mrs Sharon Haughey, Senior Lecturer in Religious Studies, and the Liturgy Group of students for their work in putting together a comprehensive programme which is open to everyone. The programme is set out below.

Mrs Orla Nugent will once again contribute her musical talent to the celebration of Mass on Thursday, 30 January, when the College will welcome pupils and staff from our Lady’s and St Mochua’s Primary School, Derrynoose, County Armagh.

Mrs Denise McKee has reminded all of us that this week is an opportune time to examine what Pope Francis has said in relation to how we should protect the planet. We are encouraged to find out more about Pope Francis’ Praise Be to You – Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home (Encyclical Letter). In relation to the social justice issues linked to climate change, we should focus on what every individual can do to support those who are experiencing the outcomes of climate change and consider how we can reduce our carbon footprint.

Here are some CAFOD resources which can be used to promote action against climate change.

In addition, the Diocese of Down and Connor will have its annual ‘Spirit of Catholic Education Award Ceremony’ in the College, whilst our student teachers will contribute to CSW in their placement schools.

Here are a wide range of teaching and learning resources for Catholic Schools Week.


Monday, 27 January – Living in Harmony with God
‘Spirit of Catholic Education Awards Ceremony’ in the Green Room at 10:00 am
Rosary lead by the Liturgy Group for both staff and students in the Chapel at 12:00 noon

Tuesday, 28 January – Living in Harmony with our Neighbours
All welcome to taste the delights from the Bake sale to raise money for our neighbours through the St Vincent De Paul Society, in the student café area.

Wednesday, 29 January – Living in Harmony with all Generations –
focus on Grandparents
A video showing photographs of our grandparents will run all day in the College.

Thursday, 30 January – Living in Harmony with the Earth
Pupils from Our Lady's & St Mochua's (Derrynoose) Primary School will participate in the College Liturgy with their student placement teacher, Grainne Clancey. They will also present their artwork (based on lessons taught during Catholic Schools Week) on notice boards in the Chapel during the Mass.

Friday 31st January – Living in Harmony in our Catholic Schools
A reflection/prayer card will be given out at Mass on the Thursday for staff and students
to mark CSW. The daily slideshow for that day will include pictures from the College Liturgy and photographs showing how some of our students have promoted
Catholic Schools Week in their schools.