Partnership for School Experience


Information for schools.

Central to the arrangements (for School Experience) is the greater emphasis placed on school based work, and the acquisition of professional competences by student teachers. The foundation for the partnerships between schools and HEIs rests on the fact that some competences can best be developed and extended during the school based aspect of the course. It is crucial therefore that there should be the closest possible partnership between schools and HEIs.

The contribution made by schools goes further than helping to foster good

classroom practice, important though that is. Schools can also offer a necessary

perspective on the whole course of initial teacher education, and ensure that

school-based work is fully integrated into the programme for student teachers.

(Teacher Education Partnership Handbook, 2010:39)

St Mary’s University College would request that schools provide student teachers with:


  • Experience of teaching
  • Guidance, advice, support and encouragement
  • Access to relevant policies and materials
  • ICT facilities to support their teaching and preparation of teaching materials.