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Job Title(s)MSc Coordinator
Course Team Leader BEd PE
Phone No.+44 (0) 28 9026 8233 
Internal Phone No.ext. 233 


Physical Education

Short Description

I joined the staff of St Mary’s in 2001 and I am currently the course team leader for Physical Education B.Ed and MSc coordinator for the MSc in PE and Sport for Young People.

I teach Masters, BEd, Liberal Arts and PGCE students in the area of PE. In theory, I predominantly teach in the areas of physiology, psychology, health related PE, leadership, professional conduct and child development. In practical, I teach dance, swimming, gymnastics and games.

I am involved in the development and teaching of CPD courses in the area of PE.

I co-ordinate the MSc in PE and Sport for Young People, which is designed to improve the live of children and young people through sport.

I contribute to the MEd in the teaching of a module entitled ‘Current Issues and Future Directions in PE’ and also as a supervisor of dissertations.

I am also Advisor of Studies while serving on the student services committee.

Within college, I am keen to promote all student sport and I am the coach of the college netball team.

I coach Northern Ireland Senior netball team, and as coach I have qualified for 2 world cups and 3 commonwealth games. I have also coached the Northern Ireland Universities and Irish Universities combined teams.

Current Research

  • Children’s physical activity levels, trends and preferences and the subsequent impact on health.
  • Children’s fitness and reading age.
  • Teacher well-being.
  • Performance analysis in sports.
  • Fitness profiling in university level Physical Education students.

Murphy, T., Mastreson, M., Mannix-McNamara, P., Tally, P. & McLaughlin, E. (2021) The being of a teacher: teacher pedagogical well-being and teacher self-care. Teachers and Teaching: Theory & Practice. Vol 26, Issue 7-8. pp588-601

McLaughlin, E. And Martin, M. (2020) Physical Education Versus Physical Activity Spotting The Difference When Teaching Online. Physical Education Matters – Autumn 2020 Pp38-40

McLaughlin., E; P.Tally, M. Martin, C.Burnett (2020). Dancing Across Cultural And Educational Boundaries From Northern Ireland To India: Spring 2020. Journal of the Association of PE: International Matters Spring 2020. Pp59-63

McLaughlin., E; P.Tally, M. Martin(2018) Research Matters: Reading Levels and Fitness in Primary School Children. Physical Education Matters – Autumn 2018 pp73-76

McLaughlin, E. and O’Donoghue, P.G. (2002), “Activity profile of primary school children in the playground”, Journal of Human Movement Studies, 42, 91-108.

McLaughlin, E. and O’Donoghue, P.G. (2002), “Time-motion analysis of playground activity of primary school children in Northern Ireland”, Journal of Sports Sciences, 20 (1) 24.

McLaughlin, E. and O’Donoghue, P.G. (2002), “The development of cardio-vascular fitness in primary school children”, Journal of Sports Sciences, 20 (1) 38-39.

McLaughlin, E. and O’Donoghue, P.G. (2001), “The reliability of time-motion analysis using the CAPTAIN system”, World Congress of Performance Analysis, Sports Science and Computers Conference, Cardiff, 26th-29th June 2001, 63-69.

McLaughlin, E. and O’Donoghue, P.G. (2001), “Time-Motion Analysis of PS Children’s Activity in the Playground”, Exercise and Sport

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