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Job Title(s)Student Services Coordinator
Lecturer in Education Department
Phone No.+44 (0) 28 9026 8364 
Internal Phone No.ext. 364 


Student Services

Education Studies Team

Short Description

Student Guidance and Support

As Coordinator of Student Guidance and Support, I work in conjunction with the Student Support Officer to ensure that all students have access to the complete range of sources of help, service and advice which the College and outside agencies can offer. The Student Guidance and Support Service operates an open-door policy where students can come to find assistance with a wide range of personal, pastoral and academic issues in a completely confidential and supportive environment.

Allied to my work in Student Guidance and Support, I also ensure that any student who may have additional needs is provided with the full range of care and assistance available as part of the College’s overall approach to widening access and participation.

Teaching and Learning

I am a member of the Education Studies Team with a special interest in learning and teaching in the Early Years. At the undergraduate level, I teach the specialist BEd 3 Nursery course which prepares students for their first School Experience in that highly significant sector. In addition, I am responsible for the BEd 4 Early Years option aiming to extend students’ knowledge of the nature of learning and teaching within an early year’s environment. At Masters level, I am the Option Leader for the Early Years pathway and work with practising teachers wishing to develop their level of expertise and specialism in early years learning.

I am also a member of the PGCE Course Team and am responsible for upskilling the students on the area of Safeguarding and Child Protection.

College committees

I am involved in a range of committees and working groups which support the work of the College. These include:

  • Board of Governors

  • Academic Board

  • Audit Committee

  • Academic Council

  • Admissions Group

  • Assessment Working Group

  • International Working Group

  • Health and Safety Committee

  • Learning and Teaching Committee

  • Student Services Committee (Chair)

  • M Level Programme Team

  • M Level Pathway Review Team

  • M Level Internal and External Boards of Examiners

  • PGCE Course Team

  • PGCE Programme Board

  • PGCE Internal and External Boards of Examiners

  • Education Studies Course Team

  • Education Internal and External Boards of Examiners

  • BEd Programme Internal and External Boards of Examiners

  • SSCC BEd Meetings

  • Off-Campus Student Misconduct Subgroup (QUB)

Community outreach
I am the staff representative on the Board of Governors of St. Mary’s University College, and I am also a member of the Audit Committee.

I have been a member of the Board of Governors of Christ the Redeemer Primary School, Belfast for five years, and for the past three years, I have fulfilled the role of Chair. I also chair the committees responsible for the appointment and promotion of staff.


I am the College’s Child Protection Officer and Chair of the College Safeguarding and Child Protection team.

I am responsible for policy and procedure regarding disabled students and Study Abroad programmes.

I am involved in the pastoral welfare of both outgoing and incoming Erasmus students.

In my role in coordinating the College’s Student Guidance and Support function, I am responsible for the following:

  • Line Management of the Student Support Office

  • Line Management of the Students’ Union

  • Policy and Procedure

  • Legal Compliance

  • Managing Routine and Crisis Situations

  • Liaison with Academic Registry and Finance on Students’ Behalf

  • Management of Student-based Issues and Events that Arise Throughout the Academic Year, for example, Welcome Week.

Current Research

My research interests include the following:

  • School placements and their role in supporting professional learning.

  • Supporting learners with specific needs in higher education.

Recent conference presentation:

Hagan, M. and Cree, D ‘What’s it like to teach in England?’: Perspectives from Northern Ireland, paper presented at the Teacher Education Advancement Network Conference, May 2017, University of Aston, Birmingham.

Forthcoming conference presentation:

Cree, D., ‘Student teachers with specific needs: a changing landscape’, to be presented at the Teacher Education Advancement Network Conference, May 2019, University of Aston, Birmingham.

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