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Job Title(s)Principal Lecturer
Director of M-Level Degree Programmes
Literacy Course Team Leader
Phone No.+44 (0) 28 9026 8242 
Internal Phone No.ext. 242 


Literacy Team

Masters Level

Short Description

Dr Donna Hazzard LinkedIn Profile

As Chair of the Literacy Course Team, Key Skills Team, and the M-Level Programme Team, Donna has responsibility for leading and managing all aspects of undergraduate primary and post-primary Literacy courses across the College as well as the St Mary’s postgraduate degree courses for teachers. Donna teaches BEd1 to BEd4 undergraduate Literacy as well as a number of Master’s level modules.

Membership of College Committees
Academic Board
Academic Council
Education Programme Team
Programme Chair Key Skills Course Team
Programme Chair Literacy Course Team
Programme Chair MEd
Research Ethics Appeals Committee

Membership of Professional Organisations
Editor UKLA News (spring edition) 2015-2021
Editorial Board The International Journal of Educational Research (IJER Open)
External Examiner for the Master of Education in Literacy Professional Practice (MEDLPP) Dublin City University (DCU) 2020-2024
Northern Ireland Representative United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA) (2005-present)
Member of the Board of Governors, Burrenreagh Primary School, Castlewellan
Member of the Queen’s University Postgraduate Advisory Body
Member of the Transnational Critical Literacies Network
Member of the UKLA Publications Committee
Member of the UKLA Critical Literacy SIG
Panel Member of the Literacy Association of Ireland’s (LAI) Outstanding Dissertation Award

Author or of the award winning Young News Readers Critical Literacy Project.
Ranked overall First UK Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) (2019 and 2020)
Ranked overall Second UK Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) (2021 and 2022).
Teacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN) Competence in Effective Practice in Higher Education Award (UK) (2018)

Current Research

Critical Literacy
Literacy for social justice
Pierre Bourdieu's conceptual tools as an analytical framework to explore literacy pedagogy
Teacher education


Hazzard, D. (2022) Inclinations of Habitus and the Challenge of Changing Dispositions: Critical Literacy as an Educational Imperative. (in progress).
Hazzard, D. (2021) Challenging Misrecognition: A Case for Critical Literacy, International Journal of Educational Research (IJER). Volume 6, 2021, 101725.
Farer, J., Stone, K., and Hazzard, D. (2021) Critical Literacy in the United Kingdom. In J. Zacher Pandya, R. Alberto Mora, J. Alford, N. Golden and R. de Roock, The Handbook of Critical Literacies, Oxfordshire, Routledge.
Hazzard, D. (2021) Creating Young News Readers: The Irish News Critical Literacy Project, (second edition), Belfast, The Irish News.
Hazzard, D. (2020) Developing Pre-service Teachers’ Critical Literacy: A Bourdieusian Analysis. EdD Thesis. University of Glasgow
Hazzard, D. (2018) A reflection on progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) Northern Ireland, UKLA News, spring edition, UKLA.
Hazzard, D. (2017) contributor in T. Cremin and C. Burnett (eds.) Learning to teach in the primary school, (4th Edition), London, Routledge.
Hazzard, D. (2017) Creating young newsreaders: The Irish News critical literacy project, (first edition), Belfast, The Irish News.
Beck, G., Hazzard, D., McPhillips, T., Tiernan, B. and Casserly, A-M. (2017) Dyslexia policy and practice: cross-professional and parental perspectives on the Northern Ireland context, submitted to British Journal of Special Education, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp.145-164.
Mc Phillips, T., Hazzard, D., Casserly, A M., Tiernan, B., and Beck, G. (2015) Dyslexia in Ireland: a review of current provision of support since the publication of the Task Force Reports, North and South (2002), Report for the Standing Conference on Teacher Education, North and South (SCoTENS), Armagh: The centre for Cross Border Studies.
Hazzard, D. (2014) contributor in T. Cremin and T. Arthur (eds.) Learning to teach in the primary school, (3rd Edition), London, Routledge.
Hazzard, D. (2010) Stories in the classroom are marvels, Le Chéile, Issue 14, December, Belfast, SMUCB.

Conference/Seminar Papers

Hazzard, D. (2022) Deficit Ideologies and Shaky Assumptions: Why Critical Literacy is an Educational Imperative. Paper at the St Mary’s University College Research Event. 24th June 2022.
Hazzard, D. (2021) Creating Critical Classrooms: A Story from Northern Ireland, Presentation given at the launch of the United Kingdom Literacy Association's Critical Literacy SIG, 27th October 2021.
Hazzard, D. (2021) Inclinations of Habitus and the Challenge of Changing Dispositions: Critical Literacy as an Educational Imperative. Paper at the ESAI21 Conference, Possibilities in Education: Imagining Connections with People, Purpose and Place, 25-26 March 2021.
Hazzard, D. (2018) Teaching for the Future, UKLA Symposium, 5th January, St Mary’s University College, Belfast.
Hazzard, D. (2017) Critical Literacy: A Pedagogy Powered by Love, Research Seminar, 8th November, St Mary’s University College, Belfast.
Hazzard, D. (2017) Critical Literacy: A New Basic, Keynote address, UKLA Regional Conference, 5th January, St Mary’s University College, Belfast.
Mc Phillips, T., Hazzard, D., Casserly, A M., Tiernan, B., and Beck, G. (2016, April) United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA) 7th Regional Conference, Literacy for All, St Mary’s University College, Belfast, Friday 15th April 2016, Perspectives on Dyslexia: from the Task Force to the Task Ahead.
McPhillips, T., Hazzard, D., Beck, G. Casserly, A. M. and Tiernan, B. (2015, September) Literacy Association of Ireland (LAI) 39th Annual Conference, Living Literacy: From Tots to Teens, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin, 24-26th September 2015, Dyslexia in Ireland, North and South: Perspectives on developments since publication of the Dyslexia Reports 2002.
Casserly, A.M., Tiernan, B. McPhillips, T., Hazzard, D. and Beck, G. (2015, July) United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA) 51st International Conference, Re-assessing Literacy: Talking, Reading and Writing in the 21st Century, National College for Teaching and Leadership, Nottingham, 10-12th July 2015, Dyslexia in Ireland: A review of current provision of support since the publication of the Task Force Reports, North and South.
Casserly, A.M., McPhillips, T., Tiernan, B., Hazzard, D. and Beck, G., (2015, June) Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education (IATSE) 27th Annual Conference, Promoting Resilience and Well-Being, All Hallows College, Drumcondra, Dublin, Friday 12-13th June 2015, Provision for Pupils with Dyslexia: How Provision can impact on Pupils' Wellbeing.
Casserly, A.M., McPhillips, T., Tiernan, B., Beck, G. and Hazzard, D. (2015, September), Dyslexia Association of Ireland (DAI), 7th Europena Conference, Innovation in Assessment and Teaching, UCD Dublin, Saturday 25th September 2015, Dyslexia in Ireland: A review of current provision of support since the publication of the Task Force Reports, North and South (2002).

Conferences Organised by Donna in Association with UKLA

2023 Literacy: Imagining the Possibilities [forthcoming]
2018 Symposium: Teaching for the Future
2017 Critical Literacy: A New Basic
2016 Literacy for All
2013 Raising Standards in Literacy
2010 Practical Bilingual Strategies for Multilingual Classrooms
2010 Reading for Pleasure and Independence
2008 Becoming an Independent Reader
2006 Creating Writers
2005 Developing Response to Fiction: Ways Into and Out of Texts

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