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Job Title(s)Librarian
Phone No.+44 (0) 28 9026 8317 
Internal Phone No.ext. 317 



Short Description

Elaine began her library career at the University of Maine (USA) in 1993. She taught English in Japan for three years before resuming her library career working at Queen’s University. Elaine is a chartered librarian with the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. Prior to joining St Mary’s, she was Head of Learning Resources and Chief Librarian at the South Eastern Regional College. Elaine obtained her MSc in Library and Information Management and currently serves on a variety of library committees.

Current Research


  • Mulholland, E. and Bates, J. (2014) ‘Use and Perceptions of E-books by Academic Staff in Further Education’, The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 40(5), pp. 492-499. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0099133314000846?via%3Dihub

  • Chapman, K., Mulholland, E., Marsh, A. and Power, V. (2015) '23 Librarians: exploring the breadth of the profession', CILIP Update: library, information and knowledge management community, January 2015, pp. 34-35.

  • Mulholland, E. (2017) ‘Supporting users of UK networked resources’, CILIP Update: library, information and knowledge management community, July 2017, pp. 40.

Conference Papers:
  • 2012, The Library Association of Ireland: Using Research in the Workplace: evidence based library management (case studies): e-books in University and College Libraries - Dr Jessica Bates, Elaine Mulholland, Sarah Smyth

  • 2013, JIBS: The joys and perils of e-books, we thought it would be easier! “The Impact and Perceptions of e-books on Academic Staff in Further Education Colleges in N. Ireland.”

  • 2014, ARLG (Academic & Research Libraries Group), University of Sussex: “E-books: the inside story”

  • Mulholland, E. (1999) ‘The Irish stereotype and its significance during the 1863 New York City Draft Riots and the Orange Riot of 1871’ M.A. University of Maine, USA

External Committees:
  • sherif (shared e-resources information forum) Vice-Chair - Serving the interests of e-resource users in Research, Higher and Further Education Libraries

  • EDINA Management Board (on behalf of sherif)

College Committees:
  • Learning and Teaching Committee

  • PGCE Programme Team

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