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Job Title(s)Senior Lecturer
Phone No.+44 (0) 28 9026 8255 
Internal Phone No.ext. 255 


Religious Studies

Human Development Studies

Ireland in Europe

Short Description

Lecturer in Biblical Studies and Religious Education.
Lecturer in Oral Communication Skills and Philosophy (BA Liberal Arts)

Chair, BA (Liberal Arts) Programme Team
Chair, Human Development Studies/’Ireland in Europe’ Course Teams

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Member of the Irish Biblical Association and the Catholic Biblical Association of America.
Member of the National Association of RE Diocesan Advisors.
Governor of St Colman’s College, Newry, Co Down.

Current Research

Biblical Studies – 1 and 2 Samuel; Narrative Criticism
Religious Education – Development of RE curricula; Catholic Ethos; Catholic approaches to Human Rights issues.

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