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Job Title(s)Senior Tutor for Development
Principal Lecturer
Phone No.+44 (0) 28 9026 8202 
Internal Phone No.ext. 202 


Irish Medium Education

Education Studies Team


Short Description

Management responsibilities

As Senior Tutor for Development, I contribute to strategic planning in St Mary’s. I lead and consolidate developments in College. Responsibilities involve management and close collaboration with colleagues throughout the College. I provide leadership in areas such as Research, Work Related Learning Staff Development, Teachers’ Professional Learning, International development, Schools, Careers and Irish-medium education. I am also a member of the College Senior Management Team and work with my colleagues to implement the College strategy for sustainability and development. Our work requires us to engage fully with robust quality assurance processes with stakeholders and partner organisations. I introduce and lead developments that enhance the work of the College. As Programme Leader for the PGCE, I lead planning for an ongoing process of critical reflection and review that leads to improvements and enhancements in provision, ensures a high level of student satisfaction and maintains high standards.

Teaching Responsibilities:

I am a lecturer on the BEd degree programme (Irish-medium), Postgraduate Certificate Course (Irish-medium PGCE) Master of Education and the Liberal Arts academic programmes. In my taught courses, lectures are delivered in both Irish and English. I lecture within the specialist areas of immersion education, child development and the curriculum areas of Literacy and Language and the World Around Us. I supervise dissertations by BEd and Masters students. I organise and teach courses on Irish language competence designed for Classroom Assistants. I have led curriculum design in the area of Immersion pedagogies for initial teacher education students.

Administrative Responsibilities:

I contribute to the strategic development of the College, as Senior Tutor. This role also brings administrative responsibilities and represent the College on a range of committees and steering groups. I am Chairperson of the PGCE (primary) Programme Team, the Irish-medium Working Team and the Research Committee. I also share responsibility for the development of the PGCE post primary provision. Administrative duties are varied, for example, I am involved in administrative aspects of the selection process for PGCE students and the management of funded projects such as the Gaeltacht experience for students and research initiatives. I support and direct colleagues with their management and administrative responsibilities across a range of College areas, for example, in the Research Centre, Áisaonad and Careers Centre.


I have represented the College on a range of committees and working groups and partner organisations such as West Belfast Partnership Board and Comhairle na Galescolaíochta. I value and maintain close connections with the wider Irish language and Irish-medium community. I have contributed to the Féile an Phobail festival programme, hosted at St Mary’s. I am on the Board of Directors of Culturlann Mac Adaim Ó Fiaich. I am also a member of the Board of Governors in a local post-primary school. I collaborate with a range of organisations on staff development, research, curriculum development and other education activities, including CCEA, An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta and the Education Authority. Currently, I lead development in the area of Shared Education which involves creative work within the College and also collaboration with other institutions and organisations.

Current Research

  • Immersion pedagogy for teacher education and schools

  • Assessment and actions to enhance the linguistic competence of the learner

  • Linguistic and sociolinguistic developments in a bilingual community;

  • Literacy assessment methods and resources;

  • Intervention programmes for literacy;

  • Video interactive Reflective Practice – the power of effective observation and reflection

Clay, M. and Nig Uidhir, G (2017) Áis Mheasúnaithe sa Luathlitearthacht: Treoir ar Mhúinteoirí. (2nd ed) Dublin: An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta.

Garland, J., Mhic Aoidh, E. and Nig Uidhir, G. (2010) Irish-medium education in Northern Ireland: achievements and aspirations. AngloFiles – Journal of English Teaching, February 2010, pp 54-59.

Nig Uidhir, G. (2008). Marie Clay's Work in Irish. The Journal of Reading Recovery, Fall 2007, Vol.7 No.1, Reading Recovery, Council of North America: Heinemann.

Nig Uidhir, G. (2009) Marie Clay's Work in Irish. In J.Clay (ed) Memories of Marie: Reflections on the Life and Work of Marie Clay. New Zealand: Heinemann.

Nig Uidhir, G. (2010) Early Literacy Achievement in Irish-medium schools and early interventions. Belfast: CCEA

Nig Uidhir, G. Ó Cathalláin, S. and ÓDuibhir, P. (2016) Tuismitheoirí ina ngníomhairí in earnáil an Ghaeloideachais. COMHARTaighde 2.http://www.comhartaighde.com/eagrain/2/Nig Uidhir/ last accessed 20 June 2018.

Nig Uidhir, G., Mac Corraidh, S., Mhic Aoidh, E., McPolin, P, Nic Íomhair, A. (2017) Anailís ar Ghaeilge Dhaltaí Eochairchém 3 sa Chóras Tumoideachais. Research Report submitted to CCEA, May 2017.

Nig Uidhir, G., Mac Corraidh, S., Nic Gearailt, E., Mhic Aoidh, E., agus Nic Íomhair, A. (2018) "Deich mbliana ag fás: Anailís ar an Ghaeilge labhartha agus scríofa ag daltaí Bhliain 10." Taighde & Teagasc, 2018, Vol 7.

Gabrielle Nig Uidhir, Seán Mac Corraidh, Eibhlín Nic Gearailt, Eibhlín Mhic Aoidh and Aileen Nic Íomhair, (2018) Deich mBliana ag Fás: an Ghaeilge labhartha agus scríofa ag daltaí tumchlár i mBliain a Deich. Taighde agus Teagasc. Vol 7 (pending)

Seán Ó Cathalláin, Gabrielle Nig Uidhir agus Pádraig Ó Duibhir (2016) An Gaeloideachas: aistear fáis agus forbartha. In Ó Ceallaigh, T.J. & Ó Laoire, M. (eds) An Tumoideachas: Bua nó Dua? An Chéad Chomhdháil Taighde Uile-oileánda ar an Tumoideachas: Imeachtaí Comhdhála. Dublin: An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta. pp 132-141.

Ó Duibhir, P., Ní Thuairisg, L., Nig Uidhir, and Ó Cathalláin, S. (2016) Tionchar na scoileanna lán- Ghaeilge ar chruthú nuachainteoirí gníomhacha Gaeilge. In Ó Ceallaigh, T.J. & Ó Laoire, M. (eds) An Tumoideachas: Bua nó Dua? An Chéad Chomhdháil Taighde Uile-oileánda ar an Tumoideachas: Imeachtaí Comhdhála. Dublin: An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta. pp 142-153.

Ó Duibhir, P., Nig Uidhir, G., Ó Cathalláin, S., Ní Thuairisc, L. and Cosgrove, J. (2017) "Anailís ar Mhúnlaí Soláthair Gaelscolaíochta" November 2017. Dublin: Foras na Gaeilge. Available at http://www.forasnagaeilge.ie/nuacht/foilseachain/ (accessed 1/9/18) English translation of report also available at : Foilseacháin - www.forasnagaeilge.ie

Tiernan, B., Casserly, AM., and Maguire, G. (2018) "Towards inclusive education: instructional practices to meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs in multi-grade settings."

International Journal of Inclusive Education, June 2018, Taylor & Francis

DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2018.1483438


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