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Job Title(s)Head of Department - Religious Studies
Senior Tutor Staff & Resources
Phone No.+44 (0) 28 9026 8263 
Internal Phone No.ext. 263 


Religious Studies

Office of the Principal

Short Description

As Head of the Department of Religious Studies and Head of the Department of Religious Education my work includes being proactive in promoting the aims of the College and the aims of Catholic Education. I have responsibility for administering the Departments, ensuring the provision of relevant courses, monitoring student progress, enabling students to develop their skills, ensuring the provision of adequate and appropriate learning resources, and enabling staff development. I am also responsible for ensuring the representation of the two Departments’ interests on College committees and other relevant bodies.

The courses I teach are mainly within the area of Biblical Studies, but I also teach ecclesiology and courses concerning the nature and purpose of Catholic Education.

Chairman of the Board of Governors of St Dominic’s High School Belfast

Current Research

I completed a PhD on the topic of the priesthood of the faithful. The thesis examines the biblical basis of the term and its use in the ecclesiology of the Second Vatican Council.

My other main interest for research is the area of Catholic Education. In this area I am particularly interested in the nature and purpose of Catholic Education and practical implications concerning its implementation.

Chapter on Baptism and Ministry published in A Church with a Future (Coll, N and Scallon, P eds, 2005).

Executive Editor of Le Chéile, a journal published twice yearly by the College supporting and promoting the vision of Catholic Education.

Member of the editorial board of Irish Biblical Studies

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